D-line springs offer an ISO-10243 solution for either new design or direct replacement of equivalent ISO parts (i.e. Danly Springs) but with the quality, reliability, and performance of Raymond. The duty ranges available in the D-line are the widest available, a total of 6, including ultra light duty (light green) and ultra heavy duty (grey) for extreme applications. Additionally the D-line offers sizes within specific duty ranges not previously available from Raymond.
All Raymond die springs, including D-line parts, are manufactured from the highest quality materials. The industry leading manufacturing controls and quality have been a part of how Raymond products have been made for well over a century. The material cross sections designed & manufactured specifically for D-line springs are optimal for the ISO specification, delivering consistent rates and increased travel.
Raymond D-line springs, while driven by an ISO specification, will work in inch applications, and have been designed & sized for exactly this. Whether your application for die springs is a die set or an OEM application D-line springs complete the Raymond portfolio of Die springs, the source of all your die springs.